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17-09-2021 Comparison of Storms Desmond, Ciara and 27th/28th October 2021 (Oct 21) Rainfall with Indications for Resevoir Management: Cumulative rainfall shows that the Oct 21 event was similar in scale to Desmond at Honister (370mm and 382mm respectively), but significantly less at Thirlmere (172mm and 405mm respectively). Dr Mark Roberts
18-11-2021 Snippet Elliot Park Update The pumps have been repaired and are fully functional. The Community Pump will be moved to the fire station for storage.
22-10-2021 Flood Hub Newsletter. It includes links to u pdated flood plans for households and businesses; several flood scheme updates including Carlisle, Kendal, Low Crosby, Rickerby, and the Upper Kent; ties and events, as well as the usual helpful links to information you can access on the Flood Hub
23-12-2021 Credit to Keswick Reminder’: A new £2.2m culvert in Threlkeld is now winter ready to help protect 35 properties and roads including the A66. The culvert at at the Gategill Beck replaces one badly damaged during heavy rainfall in February 2019. The new culvert is made up of 220m of concrete pipe and work took nine months to complete. As well as improving flood protection, there have also been 170 new trees planted to replace the 34 trees which had to be removed for the work to be undertaken. Th Community of Threlkeld has seen first-hand how devastating flooding can be.
13-11-2021 Snippet Times and Star today: "the second longest (EA data for sewage overspill) was a United Utilities plant at Keswick which discharged for 8,275 hours. However, United Ultilities has disputed the Environment Agency's figures, saying they relate to a combined sewer overflow which was removed in February 2020" Better late than never???
19-11-2021 Snippet EMMA HARDY MP. Flooding (Prevention and Insurance) Bill, firest reading. The bill, which is yet to be published in full, is titled: "A Bill to set national minimum requirements for flood mitigation and protection measures in new build public and private properties enforced by local planning authorities; to place reporting requirements on local and national government in relation to flooding
23-10-2021 GIS MAPPING ( Geographic Information System ) Page started. Click on Button at top of page … or go here GIS Mapping
17-09-2021 The gravel extraction along High Hill is going well and the good news is that the EA are intending to take out the gravel immediately downstream of Greta Bridge as well. They will not go as far as the deposits in front of Greta Grove as those aren't too bad this year. We are lucky that the EA's modelling years ago identified the need to remove gravel in the area to reduce flood risk. OK I know that was painfully obvious to everyone living here. However, I am sure there are many communities out there who will be envious of the routine we have in place to manage it. Preparing for wetter days to come .... L Jones
19-01-2021 STORM ARWEN 26-27 NOVEMBER 2021. Aftermath River Greta, Threlkeld railway line trail.
02-11-20 21 United Utilities have commenced the additional releases from Thirlmere to provide storm space in the reservoir. This is in line with the current KFAG agreeement for November which means additional flows happen when the reservoir has less than 3m of space. Currently there is just under 2.5m of storm space, before last week's storm we had 6.5m. Food for thought ? Check Thirlmere levels here …
20-09-2021 KFAG Chairman Lynne Jones appears on ITV (Border) News commenting on the current dredging activity. Also written comments from Environment Agency Peter Miles To view: Search in your Browser for … ‘ itv news border keswick gravel ‘
17-09-202 1 Comparison of Storms Desmond, Ciara and 27th/28th October 2021 (Oct 21) Rainfall with Indications for Resevoir Management: Cumulative rainfall shows that the Oct 21 event was similar in scale to Desmond at Honister (370mm and 382mm respectively), but significantly less at Thirlmere (172mm and 405mm respectively). Dr Mark Roberts
23-12-2021 Credit to Keswick Reminder’: A new £2.2m culvert in Threlkeld is now winter ready to help protect 35 properties and roads including the A66. The culvert at at the Gategill Beck replaces one badly damaged during heavy rainfall in February 2019. The new culvert is made up of 220m of concrete pipe and work took nine months to complete. As well as improving flood protection, there have also been 170 new trees planted to replace the 34 trees which had to be removed for the work to be undertaken. Th Community of Threlkeld has seen first-hand how devastating flooding can be. Full Story and Picture:
03-12-2021 FLOODING IN KESWICK IS YOUR HOME AT RISK ? … BE READY NEW ( NOVEMBER 2021 ) Leaflet published by KESWICK Community Emergency Recovery Partnership and Keswick Flood Action Group.
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other areas. 06-02-2022 Defra SPS to Ofwat for PR24 is out … All sources of flooding impact water companies, their customers and local communities, disrupting services and damaging property and the environment. Climate changes are increasing this risk and associated impacts, and the whole sector has a role to play in boosting long-term flood resilience. 23-01-22 Lynne Jones: Action needed Read and Sign the petition Contact your MP This is hot on the heels of my sending photographs of disgusting tangerine foam seeping into Derwentwater (from the old council tip near Crow Park, Keswick) to the EA last month, AND the national press sharing some pretty damaging statistics about United Utilities leaks of untreated sewage here. With the tireless work of my local MP, Tim Farron, the campaign is now in the form of an Early Day Motion (EDM) and has been submitted to Parliament. This needs MPs to sign the EDM so it can be debated in the House of Commons and made into law. I need you to contact your local MP and tell them to help stop water pollution in the Lake District National Park. 08-01-2022 FOUL DISCHARGES Derwent water between the Isthmus and the boat landings. This seepage is from the ‘Old’ municple tip, that was situated on the lakeshore. This has been going on for decades, yet is not dealt with in a satisfactory manner. PICTURE (LJ) A Tangerine foam was coming out of the pipe ! 24-12-202 1 CALVERT WAY The work seems never ending ! 23-12-2021 Credit to Keswick Reminder’: A new £2.2m culvert in Threlkeld is now winter ready to help protect 35 properties and roads including the A66. The culvert at at the Gategill Beck replaces one badly damaged during heavy rainfall in February 2019. The new culvert is made up of 220m of concrete pipe and work took nine months to complete. As well as improving flood protection, there have also been 170 new trees planted to replace the 34 trees which had to be removed for the work to be undertaken. Th Community of Threlkeld has seen first-hand how devastating flooding can be. Full Story and Picture: 03-12-2021 FLOODING IN KESWICK … IS YOUR HOME AT RISK ? … BE READY NEW ( NOVEMBER 2021 ) Leaflet published by KESWICK Community Emergency Recovery Partnership and Keswick Flood Action Group. 17-09-202 1 Comparison of Storms Desmond, Ciara and 27th/28th October 2021 (Oct 21) Rainfall with Indications for Resevoir Management: Cumulative rainfall shows that the Oct 21 event was similar in scale to Desmond at Honister (370mm and 382mm respectively), but significantly less at Thirlmere (172mm and 405mm respectively). Dr Mark Roberts 18-11-2021 Snippet Elliot Park Update The pumps have been repaired and are fully functional. The Community Pump will be moved to the fire station for storage.