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From Lynne Jones: Need to concentrate on this, they should not be removing reservoir structures from water sources with climate change. Mothball yes for now but walk away from reservoirs when there have been none built for decades? cumbriacrack 29-09-2022 11-08-2022 Danger of Drought measures exacerbating Flooding Problems 11-08- 2022. Email to Emma Gates (Telegraph) regarding recent articles about preparedness for low rainfall and underfilled reservoirs. 14-09-2022 Cumbria ( CCC ) The CCC drop in session for surface water flood risk has been changed to next Tuesday, 2pm to 4pm Keswick Library. There were 2 locations for Keswick: Brundholme Gardens which is now complete and another scheme which is intended to reduce flood risk for lower Crosthwaite Road, Limepots and Glebe Close BUT I am pretty sure that whoever has put this forward does not understand the reroute of Crosthwaite Beck from 2012. It is scheduled for 2027-28 so I guess I have time to make sure they have the right info (although I have complained about the map being incorrect for 10 years so perhaps not!) If anyone has any areas they are concerned about that need to be included PLEASE let me know. CCC just does surface water and small watercourses, the EA do flooding from major rivers like the Greta. No prizes for anyone who knows how the changes to the county structure/management will impact all this in the end but we'd be keen to know. 14-07-2022 UK HEALTH SECURITY AGENCY Guidance Flooding and health: assessment and management of public mental health Published 1 July 2022 28-07-2022 Government to commit. strengthen and modernise reservoir safety regime. Reform of the regulatory programme will be delivered in collaboration with reservoir owners and engineers over the coming years 20-07-2022 Reservoir Safety: Dept. for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs written statement. George Eustace The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 20-07-2022 Consultation on Utilisation of Water Supply Reservoirs for Flood Risk Benefit - deadline Monday 25 July. There has been a year-long reservoir review from which we were prevented any input. Our response is attached - SEE LINKS BELOW. 01-07-2022 Link from STOP THE FLOODS group: Priorities of Environment Agency under its new Chair. Joint meeting with @CommonsEAC 23-05-2022 Cumbria Community Consultation Submission ( Re-Issued ) IMPROVING CURRENT FUNDING AND FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN CUMBRIA. Report by Faith Cole (Flooded 2009 & 2015) with Contributions from: Dr Brian Campbell & Sue Cashmore. DRAFT reservoirs to provide greater flood resilience. Perhaps, after years of stating the obvious, we are getting somewhere IF the EA begins to stand up to water companies … 05-02-2022 The DEFRA Strategic Policy Statement to Ofwat for PR24 i s out and it includes statements like: challenge and incentivise the water companies to identify and deliver greater customer, societal and environmental benefits from their water and wastewater infrastructure and systems, such as using reservoirs to provide greater flood resilience. Perhaps, after years of stating the obvious, we are getting somewhere IF the EA begins to stand up to water companies … 29-02-2022 Environmental Protection Raw Sewage discharges … The Office for Environmenta Protection ( OEP ) has laumched an investigation regarding the roles of Ofwat, the Environment Agency and Defra Secretary of State in the regulation of Combined Sewer Overflows in England.