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30-01-2023 Plans to restore Crummock Water back to nature Once all customers in West Cumbria are supplied by the new pipeline from Thirlmere, United Utilities will stop abstraction for public water supply from Crummock Water, Chapelhouse reservoir and OverwaterStart
31-01-2023 UNITED UTILITIES Long term plans for Crummock Water, Chapelhouse Reservoir and Overwater. We've been working with key stakeholders including the Environment Agency, Natural England, Lake District National Park Authority, National Trust, landowners, local authorities and other interest groups to develop long- term plans that would maintain access for visitors, while sensitively returning these water bodies back to a more natural state. Before any work begins, we arranged the first in a series of community drop-in sessions in October 2022 to share our initial proposals. We're planning to hold further update sessions in February 2023 on the following dates, with further sessions planned in September 2023.
28-02-2023 From NFM Natural Flood Programme: Evaluation Report Natural Flood Management (NFM) can manage flood and coastal erosion risk by protecting, restoring and emulating the natural processes of: catchments - rivers - floodplains - coasts It includes: re-meandering of rivers - restoration of wetlands - targeted woodland planting B26 were catchment scale pilots led by risk management authorities 34 were community scale pilots led by local groups and charitiesetween 2017 and 2021, we invested £15 million of government funding in the NFM programme. The programme was made up of 60 pilots across England:
12-04-2023 EA changes to automated Flood Warning System. I am literally seething about this. The NFF are challenging it within the All Party Parliamentary Group but I will write to our MP, Trudy, from KFAG as well. My response to the NFF (who had already flagged up the hassle of people being anxious and moving furniture unnecessarily) was: Lynne Jones ( KFAG )
12-04-2023 EA changes to automated Flood Warning System. We have been trying to get the flood forecasting more incident specific and informative NOT making things a whole lot worse. The whole article from EA and KFAG comments are here …
12-04-2023 EA Snippet So the damaged glass panel is, at last, properly replaced (only took 7 months!) Thankfully the area is much better covered with CCTV now so we've a fighting chance of catching anyone vandalising them in future. Imported from Germany, hence the delay ?
27-04-2023 Multi Benefit Reservoirs. New report on water supply reservoirs and their use in flood risk reduction from the EA. Environment Agency Utilisation of Public Water Supply Reservoirs for Flood Risk Benefit Operating Framework. Long report detailed on EA site.
24-04-2023 Environment Agency. A quick guide to the Environment Agency telemetry network. Andrew Booth Telemetry Technical Specialist November 2022
21-04-2023 New Civil Engineer (Magazine) Snippet 21 FEB, 2023 BY ROB HAKIMIAN Environment secretary Thérèse Coffey has demanded that water companies share their plans for improving Britain’s water infrastructure to improve water quality and reduce unnecessary overflows.
27-04-2023 Gravel removal by EA High Hill bend and Greta Bridge. Removal planned fror September. KFAG has asked members and public to monitor and inform KFAG / EA if gravel is not removed from site ( see below ). From Facebook:. “A small request? Please can the digger driver be instructed NOT to transfer the gravel onto the river banks and pat it down!! As soon as the rains come in October it ends up under the bridge which raises the river bed level and thus reduces the space for the water to flow through to the lake!!! Just a suggestion!!” .
03-05-2023 Environment Agency. Link to “Incidence Response” This what the EA do and how they handle an Incident. Text and Video presentations of how it all works. Posted by “The Flood Hub”
03-05-2023 National Flood Forum Newsletter Spring 2023 This issue includes updates on NFF activity, new projects, flood action groups and the government approach to sustainable drainage systems and a lot more. We also include details of our forthcoming arts exhibition highlighting the experience of flooding and how to enter your work as well as paying tribute to Phil Awford, an unrelenting campaigner and great friend of the NFF.
18-07-2023 Environment Agency. Time to check your ‘Flood Alert’ Details. Check and update your information in your flood warnings account, or tell us if you no longer need warnings. You can do this online at
11-07-2023 National Flood Forum Trust We are looking for additional Trustees to join our committed Board. Our Trustees play a vital role in driving forward the vision of the Charity, supporting the CEO and contributing to safeguarding the future of the organisation. ssue includes updates on NFF activity, new projects, flood action groups and the government approach to sustainable drainage systems and a lot more. If you wish to know more about the role and how to apply … Link here
04-08-2023 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY The EA are concerned that people are not registering with their flood warning service because of the new Emergency Alerts system which the government rolled out a few months ago - see About Emergency Alerts - GOV.UK ( for more information on these. You really do still need to have access to the flood warning system so be sure your contact details are correct and update if necessary. The new system is simply intended to be an additional alert to warn of a number of forms of danger nearby, such as fire, severe flooding or extreme weather; they apply to severe situations, and will be based on your location at the time. This differs from the EA flood alerts and warnings which you register to receive based on your home location or place of interest. This new system may issue an Emergency Alert in relation to flooding, but this would be in the case of an extreme situation which corresponds to one of our Severe Flood Warnings. The EA flood alert system gives details way beyond the point where there is flooding with danger to life. As a reminder, a Flood Alert means that flooding is possible and you should be prepared. A Flood Warning means that flooding is expected and immediate action is required. About Emergency Alerts - GOV.UK (
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16-11-2024 NEWS from Environment Agency 1 National News ( The Telegraph ) 15-11-2023 “More than 200,000 homes in danger as money runs out to fix flood defences Shortfall of £34m means thousands of properties have been left at greater risk, says National Audit Office” Link to article is here 17-10--2 023 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY 09-09-2023 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY 08-2023 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY The EA are concerned that people are not registering with their flood warning service because of the new Emergency Alerts system which the government rolled out a few months ago - see About Emergency Alerts - GOV.UK ( for more information on these. You really do still need to have access to the flood warning system so be sure your contact details are correct and update if necessary. The new system is simply intended to be an additional alert to warn of a number of forms of danger nearby, such as fire, severe flooding or extreme weather; they apply to severe situations, and will be based on your location at the time. This differs from the EA flood alerts and warnings which you register to receive based on your home location or place of interest. This new system may issue an Emergency Alert in relation to flooding, but this would be in the case of an extreme situation which corresponds to one of our Severe Flood Warnings. The EA flood alert system gives details way beyond the point where there is flooding with danger to life. As a reminder, a Flood Alert means that flooding is possible and you should be prepared. A Flood Warning means that flooding is expected and immediate action is required. About Emergency Alerts - GOV.UK ( 11-07-2023 National Flood Forum Truste We are looking for additional Trustees to join our committed Board. Our Trustees play a vital role in driving forward the vision of the Charity, supporting the CEO and contributing to safeguarding the future of the organisation. ssue includes updates on NFF activity, new projects, flood action groups and the government approach to sustainable drainage systems and a lot more. If you wish to know more about the role and how to apply … Link here h t t p s : / / n a t i o n a l f l o o d f o r u m . o r g . u k / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 2 3 / 0 7 / T r u s t e e - pack-v1-100723.pdf 03 -0 5-2023 National Flood Forum Newsletter Spring 2023 This issue includes updates on NFF activity, new projects, flood action groups and the government approach to sustainable drainage systems and a lot more. We also include details of our forthcoming arts exhibition highlighting the
Gravel extraction started in early October. By Environment Agency R.Greta Fitze park to Greta Bridge.
Gravel extraction finished. Taken 17-10-2023 opposite Pencil Factory
14-06-2023 River Greta Keswick. Pencil Factory gravel beds build up. EA to clear later in the year.
18-07-2023 Environment Agency. Time to check your ‘Flood Alert’ Details. iCheck and update your information in your flood warnings account, or tell us if you no longer need warnings. You can do this online at