It is very natural that those who have gone through the trauma of having their home flooded will be more anxious when storms are forecast. We hope that explaining something of how we plan and manage a storm event will go some way to easing those worries. We have detailed Met Office briefings by email days before a storm is due to arrive. Cumbria County Council (CCC) is contacted to ensure that the underground pumps at Elliott Park and Penrith Road are in good working order and that the community pumps are both ready to operate. Once the catchment alert goes out there are usually operational level Environment Agency (EA) staff out in the area checking culverts and monitoring the situation. KFAG and the Flood Emergency Responders keep an eye on the rainfall forecasts and the river levels using the EA’s web site KFAG and the volunteer leads are usually out and about checking key areas for surface water flooding/clearing drains etc. There is plenty of communication between ourselves and the agencies long before things get really worrying . Information about forecasts etc. are posted on the KFAG face book page, sent out to thoose who have asked to be contacted by email and updates will be on this site. If the river is forecast to continue to rise the park gates are closed when the river level gets to about 3.6m at Greta Bridge which gives a useful forecast of the way the Greta is expected to react and is updated so shows almost “live” levels. The Town Council Offices will then be opened as a central control room and the town’s emergency plan will start to come into operation. You should be signed up to the EA’s flood warning service so you will receive telephone messages if you need to act Please remember that although, during Storm Desmond, the defences overtopped this was an exceptional amount of rain and the Greta Bridge level was just over 5metres. BE PREPARED Part 1 Alerts and Flood Warnings … Information from Keswick Flood Action Group flooding in keswick Published by Keswick Community Emergency Recovery Partnership and KFAG FLOOD ALERTS AND WARNINGS: SIGN UP FOR FREE FLOODLINE WARNINGS DIRECT: OR Call The Environment Agency Floodline 0345 988 1188 Lines available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may register your home address and an “area of interest” – for example for alerts in a flood risk area where an elderly relative lives. Keswick Flood Warnings Anyone who lives in a flood risk area, who cares for someone in a flood risk area, or who regularly drives through a flood risk area can register. The Environment Agency will send flood warnings to your home phone, work phone, mobile (call or text), fax, pager or email at any time of the day or night when flooding is imminent. You have the option to be contacted when there is simply the lower warning. Flood Alert (used 2 hours to 2 days in advance of flooding to enable you to be prepared and monitor local water levels/flood forecasts. On the EA web site) or for Flood Warning (used half an hour to one day in advance of flooding – a time to make sure family, pets and valuables are in a safe place, to turn off power and water supplies if safe to do so and to put flood protection equipment in place), and Severe Flood Warning (when flooding poses a significant threat to life and you should stay in a safe place with a means of escape, be ready to evacuate your home and to co- operate with the emergency services, call 999 if you are in danger). REPORT AN EMERGENCY FLOODING SITUATION: to Environment Agency Incident Hotline 0800-80-70-60 (Ask to be put through to the Flood Warning Duty Officer, Penrith), Or contact the Police or Fire Brigade by dialling 999. BLOCKED DRAINS: Report to Highways Dept Tel 0845-609-6609 / email SANDBAGS: are not provided by Allerdale Borough Council. You are responsible for getting them for your property. Keswick Flood Recovery Group has a number of sandbags and Floodsaxs. These can be collected in advance from Keswick Flood Recovery Group Project Leader on 017687-80924. In the event of flooding these will be used to protect any building or area considered a priority at the time. RIVER LEVELS ONLINE: The Environment Agency display river levels online. Add this site to your “favourites”. River and Sea levels in England. Reservoir level for Thirlmere River level at Greta Bridge WATCH THE WEATHER !! Links from the KFAG site: Sign up for emailed weather warnings on Met Office Weather Warnings for Keswick: Weather Forecast for Keswick Infrared Satellite Weather Images 4.00&lat=55.01 For more information on protecting your property visit the Environment Agency website at: or The National Flood Forum at:
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It is very natural that those who have gone through the trauma of having their home flooded will be more anxious when storms are forecast. We hope that explaining something of how we plan and manage a storm event will go some way to easing those worries. We have detailed Met Office briefings by email days before a storm is due to arrive. Cumbria County Council (CCC) is contacted to ensure that the underground pumps at Elliott Park and Penrith Road are in good working order and that the community pumps are both ready to operate. Once the catchment alert goes out there are usually operational level Environment Agency (EA) staff out in the area checking culverts and monitoring the situation. KFAG and the Flood Emergency Responders keep an eye on the rainfall forecasts and the river levels using the EA’s web site KFAG and the volunteer leads are usually out and about checking key areas for surface water flooding/clearing drains etc. There is plenty of communication between ourselves and the agencies long before things get really worrying . Information about forecasts etc. are posted on the KFAG face book page, sent out to thoose who have asked to be contacted by email and updates will be on this site. If the river is forecast to continue to rise the park gates are closed when the river level gets to about 3.6m at Greta Bridge https://flood-warning- which gives a useful forecast of the way the Greta is expected to react and is updated so shows almost “live” levels. The Town Council Offices will then be opened as a central control room and the town’s emergency plan will start to come into operation. You should be signed up to the EA’s flood warning service so you will receive telephone messages if you need to act Please remember that although, during Storm Desmond, the defences overtopped this was an exceptional amount of rain and the Greta Bridge level was just over 5metres. BE PREPARED Part 1 Alerts and Flood Warnings … Information from Keswick Flood Action Group flooding in keswick Published by Keswick Community Emergency Recovery Partnership and KFAG FLOOD ALERTS AND WARNINGS: SIGN UP FOR FREE FLOODLINE WARNINGS DIRECT: https://www.fws.environment- OR Call The Environment Agency Floodline 0345 988 1188 Lines available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may register your home address and an “area of interest” – for example for alerts in a flood risk area where an elderly relative lives. Keswick Flood Warnings Anyone who lives in a flood risk area, who cares for someone in a flood risk area, or who regularly drives through a flood risk area can register. The Environment Agency will send flood warnings to your home phone, work phone, mobile (call or text), fax, pager or email at any time of the day or night when flooding is imminent.